the logo for american horticulture presents cultivate 24

AmericanHort hosts the industry's top event for networking, products, varieties, trends, and strategies.

As an exhibitor at Cultivate, you will receive more than just an exhibit space. 

Gain exposure to thousands of eager attendees, providing countless opportunities to connect with customers, both new and old, who are searching for the solutions you offer.

Looking to Exhibit at Cultivate?

Sunday, July 13, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

Monday, July 14, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday, July 15, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Trade Show Dates/Hours


Greater Columbus Convention Center

400 North High Street

Columbus, OH 43215

Cultivate Booth Pricing

AmericanHort Premium & Plus Members

Inline Booth $1,775 per 100 sq ft

Corner $300 Flat Fee*

Endcap $500 Flat Fee*

Island $3,000 Flat Fee*
*In addition to either the Member or Non-Member booth pricing

Main Aisle $300 per 100 sq ft on the main aisle**
**In addition to either the Member or Non-Member booth pricing & Corner, Endcap or Island fee


Inline Booth $2,475 per 100 sq ft

Corner $300 Flat Fee*

Endcap $500 Flat Fee*

Island $3,000 Flat Fee*
*In addition to either the Member or Non-Member booth pricing

Main Aisle $300 per 100 sq ft on the main aisle**
**In addition to either the Member or Non-Member booth pricing & Corner, Endcap or Island fee

What's Included

  • Black 8’ back x 3’ side pipe and drape.
  • A booth identification sign.
  • For the first 10’ x 10’ purchased you will receive 4 trade show badges; each additional 10’ x 10’ space purchased receives 2 additional badges. If you require more badges than your allotment for personnel staffing your booth, you may purchase additional exhibitor badges.
  • Access to thousands of prospective buyers.
  • Exhibitor listing in various AmericanHort publications including the Cultivate Onsite Guide.
  • semi-private meeting spaces on the show floor to meet with customers and colleagues.
  • One educational session voucher for each registered booth personnel.
  • Your company’s website linked from the online directory.

What's Not Included*

  • Booth carpeting
  • Booth furniture
  • Electric
  • Lead retrieval
  • Audio-visual equipment
  • Material handling, installation, and dismantling of booth
  • Cleaning service for booth
  • WiFi

* These amenities can be ordered through our partner service providers noted in the Exhibitor Service Kit.

Exhibitor Prospectus

Find details on what to expect when you exhibit at Cultivate.

Sponsorship Prospectus

Meet Our Exhibit & Tradeshow Team

Our dedicated exhibit and tradeshow team will help you and your business find the solution to get the best Cultivate exhibitor experience.

Cindy Lee

Exhibit & Sponsorship Sales Manager

(614) 884-1145

Cindy Lee headshot

Bill Behrens

Trade Show & Event Manager

(614) 884-1143

Bill Behrens headshot

Exhibitor Frequently Asked Questions

Got Cultivate Exhibitor Questions? We’ve got answers! If you can’t find answers to your questions about being an exhibitor at Cultivate, our events team can answer any questions you may have.

  • Can I be guaranteed my hotel of choice?

    Unfortunately, it's impossible for us to guarantee all attendees their first hotel of choice. Registering during the Pre-Registration period in February gives you the best opportunity for securing your top hotel pick. Please remember that since hotels have limited space, opportunity does not guarantee final outcome.

  • What is cubic content?

    Under the cubic content rule, each exhibitor may build right up to the front of their booth and up to the maximum allowable height (25 feet). There are no sight guidelines under the cubic content rule. No portion of your display or structure may extend into the aisle, including the air space above the aisle. This rule allows exhibitors to make maximum use of their booth space. See Exhibitor Rules & Regulations for complete details.

  • How do I ship my booth materials?

    Booth materials can be shipped to the Fern warehouse between June 9 – July 3 or directly to the Greater Columbus Convention Center to arrive no earlier than July 10. Shipping labels will be provided in the Exhibitor Service Kit. 

  • What are the rules for hanging signs & banners?

    • Sign/banner hanging and theatrical rigging/lighting must be done on Thursday, July 10 or Friday, July 11. NO Signs or Banners will be hung on Saturday, July 12.
    • Standing or hanging signage cannot exceed 25 feet tall and has a weight limit of 75 pounds.
    • Free-floating Hanging Banners (hung from the ceiling but not anchored at the bottom) must be 12 feet from the booth floor (cannot reach a height greater than 25 feet). Banners must be maintained within cubic confines of booth.
    • Anchored Banners (hung from the hall ceiling and anchored to the exhibit display) cannot not exceed 24 feet in length and must be anchored no less than 1 foot from the floor of the booth (again, cannot reach a height greater than 25 feet). Convention center personnel must be hired for installation and removal of suspended signage.
  • How do I get electric, plumbing, and other utility services in my booth?

    For information about electric, plumbing, carpet cleaning, internet service, cost of hanging signs or banners from the ceiling, please contact: 

    Greater Columbus Convention Center

    (614) 827-2548

    Visit their site here

  • What is drayage?

    Drayage is the handling of shipments and collateral materials upon their arrival at the Fern warehouse or at the exhibit hall. This includes delivery of materials to your booth and the handling and storing of empty containers at the beginning and the return of empty containers at the end of the show. It also includes labor and equipment to pick up the re-packed materials, check them against the shipping papers, and re-load them into trucks for outbound shipment.

    Labor is a critical component of the cost of providing drayage services. Frequently, this work takes place during overtime hours for the staff, especially the handling of the empty containers, which usually takes place throughout the night. Additionally, the drayage operation has very tight time constraints. A show must open at a specific time and drayage service has only a 2- to 3-day window to perform all services.

  • What kind of tape may be used to secure carpeting?

    All carpet tape must be Polyken 105C and be building approved. If these requirements are not met, you will be billed for damages.

  • Is water available for live plant material?

    Yes, there are two ice stations available at the back of the hall.

  • What do I do with sold materials at the end of the event?

    1. You must provide the buyer with an itemized Bill of Sale. This form will be distributed to your exhibit space and is also available at the Fern Service Desk.
    2. After the close of the show, materials must be tagged with the buyer's name and roped off using the tape provided by Fern. 
    3. If materials can be hand carried off the show floor, buyers can have access beginning at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, July 15.
    4. If buyers need to use the loading docks to pick up materials they must wait until 7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 16 and must first go to the marshaling yard to be released to the loading dock. 
    5. All purchased materials must be picked up from the show floor by 9:00 PM, Tuesday, July 15

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: Theft of materials is an issue. To prevent theft, it is recommended that exhibit personnel or buyers remain in the exhibit space until materials can be removed from the exhibit hall.

  • Who can help with booth tear down?

    Only exhibitors are permitted on the show floor after 2:00 PM on Tuesday, July 15. You MUST have your Exhibitor Badge visible at all times. You will not be able to re-enter the exhibit hall without it. Exhibitors found to be releasing badges to those not registered, or wearing a badge bearing another's name, will be barred from exhibiting at future events.

    Note: No one under the age of 14 is permitted in the exhibit hall during non-event hours, including set-up and tear down.

  • What if I have outside labor helping set up or dismantle my booth?

    Work passes for labor assisting with setup or tear down must pick up a worker pass at the Fern Service Desk at the back of the exhibit hall or at the AmericanHort onsite office in room D180. 

  • Who are the official service providers for exhibitors at Cultivate?

    The following is a list of Cultivate approved vendors:

    • Maritz Global Events: registration, housing, and lead retrieval partner
    1. Safeguard your communications by whitelisting
    • Fern: service contractor/show decorator (OneView portal)
    • Map Your Show: event software provider and online show directory sales
    • Bartha: audio-visual partner 

    Click here for additional details. Please call us if you have any questions.

If you still have questions about exhibiting, please contact Cindy Lee by phone at (614) 487-1117 or email

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